The Stockdale Paradox: Confidence that You Can and Will Prevail

The Stockdale paradox aptly states the importance of honesty and integrity with both oneself and those around them. As leaders expressing the optimism and intestinal fortitude that we will prevail with the reality, honesty and transparency for success through adversity. We all have our stories, not necessarily to the extreme of Admiral Stockdale, from which we and draw strength. We will live thru this pandemic and be stronger and more resilient because of it.
Watch Video Exploring Stockdale Paradox
Stockdale Paradox In Action
A manufacturer of sports apparel (essentially a sewing operation), considered a nonessential business, was faced with 100% layoff. Seeing the severity of the mandate and the need to close their doors met with their personnel to address the situation. This occurred on March 20th Over the weekend the president’s team brainstormed ideas which would enable production to be restored and return their employees safely. They pivoted and moved their sewing operation to the production of facemasks. They took the necessary steps to create a safe clean environment under the circumstances so they could return their employees to work. They have been able to obtain a large contract with a convenience store chain saving jobs and providing necessary PPE